Why does everything appear blue at dusk and dawn?
Honestly, I don’t know. But it’s fascinating to see how two opposite moments of the day are linked by it; how the cycle of time resets everyday through a colour, forty minutes before sunrise and forty minutes after sunset.
The first issue of “Blue” focuses on the theme of automation, using time
as its narrative. It’s divided into four sections: Morning,Afternoon, Evening, Night; and it will accompany you throughout your day with articles written for you to read at specific times.We set the layout this way as a reminder to acknowledge the present moment, read what’s in front of you and take time to internalise it. Indulge on each page with no rush, read at your own pace and live in the moment.
In this issue, the articles revolve around the theme of automation, its role in modern society and how it may affect us in the future.We explored different sides of the topic, with a range of articles, debates and photoshoots that focus on how automation could affect jobs in the future, robotic art, and much more.
I’m not going to spoil the experience by giving too many details, and I will leave you to today’s journey.
Clock is ticking, time passes and the future is closer than you think. Time to start reading is now.